“Amber Harris is one of those people that parents call “naturals” at teaching and connecting with a wide variety of students and people. But, what makes teachers “naturals?” Really, her training, personal struggles and homeschooling experiences all add up to enhance this natural ability. When Amber met my son Dylan who has autism, I could tell without knowing her that she got him. She immediately had a conversation about odd things such as calendars or birthdays and went into his world without hesitation. He recognized that he can feel safe, not judged with her. She has taught him in church Sunday School and adjusts quickly to what sensory or anxiety need he has at the time. What probably impacted me the most was learning from Amber how to help my son learn and thrive within his anxieties. She opened a whole new paradigm for me into how to help him succeed. Amber explained that you can’t force it with autism children. She wisely said “You create a safe, secure environment” and let them feel like there is a choice. That may look different for every autism child. This wisdom changed the course for my son and I’s relationship and how I approach his education. We now first look for his educational settings to be whatever he defines is safe and then he thrives without a battle from me. Taking the anxiety out of learning and replacing it with confidence has changed Dylan’s life. We are forever grateful for Amber’s insight and connection with autism children. She truly is a natural in relating to those with autism.”
– Sharisa Lewis

“Amber Harris is amazing. She works magic with children. I only knew her slightly when I opened up to her about my daughter’s anxiety and panic attacks that came on suddenly after a strep infection. I was so completely overwhelmed and at a loss of what to do to help my daughter. After speaking to Amber a few times, I started to implement some of the strategies she recommended. It was helping, but my daughter was still struggling. On one particular very bad night, my daughter started talking about some very scary things. She told me it would just be easier for her to die than to struggle with anxiety the rest of her life. It was late, but I was in a panic. I called Amber and very emotionally begged her to help. She jumped in her car, (in her jammies!), and came to my house to save my daughter… and me. I didn’t tell her she was coming, and my daughter hardly knew her, but the moment Amber walked in the door, the calmness and peace she brought with her
was evident. My daughter crumbled into her arms and Amber became her hero. Throughout the last year and a half, Amber has been such a wonderful support to both me and my daughter. She knows her stuff. She is so willing to help and truly cares for those she is involved with. When I am around Amber, it is a happy place to be.”
-Julie Sivley

“Amber Harris has a gift for working with children. She can relate to them quickly and put them at ease when they are feeling apprehensive. My youngest son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at a very young age. Along with all of the developmental and behavioral issues came a lot of sensory issues as well. One thing in particular that would frustrate me was his aversion to texture on his feet, especially water. It was a challenge taking my kids to the pool or water park because I would want to be in the water having fun with all of my kids but my youngest would refuse to get his feet wet. I would have to sit out with him and just watch the other kids play. I tried swimming shoes, crocks, and just dunking his feet in cold turkey hoping he would realize it wasn’t that bad. I was unsuccessful time after time until Amber started working with him. Amber patiently worked with my son and slowly integrated him into touching water with his feet as well as other textures like grass. Soon he was running and playing barefoot without any worry or concern for what his feet were touching. It was wonderful! Thanks Amber!”
-Laura Ellison

” I have been so grateful for Amber’s expertise in autism spectrum disorders and the critical insight she adds in educating twice exceptional children . I am the mother to 5 children including a 12 year old daughter who is twice exceptional. I am also the wife of almost 15 years to a man who has been diagnosed with Asperger’s and ADHD. Amber has been an invaluable resource of information. Our family continues to be greatly benefited by her understanding, direction and advice. I have also been a homeschooling mama! I truly appreciate and love that Amber has said, “I believe there is a place in this world for both public schooling and homeschooling. I have a hard time finding people who share this belief. It seems the proverbial “line” has been drawn, and most people just pick a side.” I have needed to utilize both of those sides to best balance the circumstances of our family. In my experience it is difficult to find support unless you are completely on one side or the other of the homeschooling debate. It is refreshing to find someone so well-versed in the issues who gets why that flexibility is important.”

“Starting the homeschooling journey, as a parent, was confusing and concerning due to some deep hearted questions. Such as, how do I know I can meet my daughter’s education needs? Will she have enough social interactions?
Having Amber Harris as a coach not only helped to answer those important concerns, but to lead my daughter and I on the path with tools, confidence and with reassurance. There are many homeschooling moms that I could ask for advice from, but none that had Amber’s background with a master’s in education and that would take the time from their own homeschool. I highly recommend consulting Amber for homeschooling! Today, my daughter is more confident, self reliant and self motivated in her education and that is from being a student at her own school.”
-Melissa Moore

“I am really grateful to Amber Harris because she helps me stay positive when I face a challenge that feels really big. She helps me to see that I can do it, even when I feel like it’s too hard. Homeschooling has helped me come out of my shell.”
-Aspen Moore