AutismSanta–Michael Miller

When I was introduced to Michael and his love of giving back to the autism community, I wanted in. Michael’s journey into the world of autism spectrum disorders started at home with his is son, who was diagnosed on the spectrum. As Michael’s young son outgrew his  extensive collection of toy trains and cars, this father decided to share these once treasured items with other children on the spectrum. The initial giving streak started with gently used items, but has grown into a donation program that includes brand new items such as lego sets and ipads.

Over the last couple of years, an army of elves have been recruited to help in this effort. I could not be happier to be a part of this team. Michael will be giving away two signed copies of Wisteria Jane. I hope the children who receive these books know that there truly is a Santa, and he does not work just one day a year. He works year-round and is tireless in his effort to spread joy.

48 replies
  1. kelley
    kelley says:

    Micheal is one of the kindest people I have ever spoken to. I honestly have no clue when he has time to sleep, or work a regular job. It is amazing all of the things he has accomplished.

  2. Steve
    Steve says:

    Well where do I start about Mike – LOL

    Well he doesn’t like to make me grilled cheese and tat r tots so already had a strike against him coming out of the gate. 🙂 I got to know Mike and we eventually become facebook friends so I noticed all the wonderful work he does for his son and other peoples children expecting noting in return but to help spread the word on his charity. I personally do not have anyone effected by Autism but i have learned so much from him on it and how families deal with the joy , challenges and sometimes frustration. Mike is truly one of those behind the scenes guys expecting nothing but willing to do everything.

  3. Megan Klein
    Megan Klein says:

    I love keeping tabs on Autism Santa via Facebook, and seeing the photos of our Ausome kids getting spoiled by him! He works so hard to bring a little joy into the lives of Autism families everywhere.

  4. Jennifer Conn
    Jennifer Conn says:

    Hi! I really love your blog/website and I will be referring back to it many times. I am homeschooling my daughter with Autism (kindergarten). This is our first year and I could definitely use help,advice,resources.
    AutismSanta has helped my daughter. She was the first girl that he mailed cars out to. We also received a chewable bracelet and an iPad mini recently. Anywhere I go, if I see someone with a child on the spectrum, I tell them about Kulturecity and Toys Aucross America. I also have business type cards with Kulturecity’s info on it that I give. Raising a child with Autism or any special need isn’t easy, but finding people like Michael, Autism Santa, has really helped us along the way. The support,resources, everything he does helps people. He loves to help and I hope that he is always able to continue what he is doing because he surely blesses everyone that he comes in contact with!!

  5. Sharon Gudiel
    Sharon Gudiel says:

    I recently came across Michael Miller and I think that he is doing something great!!! Our kids with autism, unfortunately, many times feel unloved or unappreciated, and he puts a smile on their faces. I appreciate all he does from the bottom of my heart!!!!

  6. Heather Howland
    Heather Howland says:

    Michael “autism Santa” is an absolutely amazing person the kindness in his heart is so wonderful wish there were more people like him ❤️

  7. Angela
    Angela says:

    The Autism Santa has done a lot for the Autism Community. Such a wonderful inspiring person. I as an Autism mother am grateful for his spreading of acceptance.

  8. Sandy Jones
    Sandy Jones says:

    I have watched for a while the things Michael is doing and I am so grateful for him. My son (5 yrs old) and my husband are both Autistic and there have been few in our life that offer this level of support and love!! Thank you Michael Miller….for all the kind words and for the positive things you share every single day!!

  9. Joanna Ayers
    Joanna Ayers says:

    I think what Michael does is awesome!!! As a single mom of a child on the spectrum, I appreciate what he is doing for other kids!!! Thank you for teaming up with him for autism!!!!!

  10. leah
    leah says:

    I think autism Santa is an amazing man who is doing amazing things and kulturecity is a really great organization

  11. Cristine smink
    Cristine smink says:

    What a gift to children just like my wiz kid… hope for a copy of your book to share with all 3 of my kids…thanks

  12. Jazmine Waugh
    Jazmine Waugh says:

    What this one man and his son does for other children and the happiness they bring into their lives is truly remarkable and proof how 2 people change the lives of many children and parents. I have so much respect for them and truly give them kudos, They do not get anything out of it except for the pleasure of helping other people 🙂 they are simply amazing people!

  13. Jen
    Jen says:

    Autism Santa is a great guy sending smiles all over:) thank you for giving away your book. Together we can all make the world a better place.

  14. Jodi Stanton
    Jodi Stanton says:

    I’m not sure where the other comments went, but I’ll gladly add mine. I fully support what Michael is doing and my son has been a recipient of a gift from Autism Santa. It made my son’s day to receive that gift, for the toy and for the extension of support and friendship. I was able to help the cause myself, during the short period of employment I had, and I’m glad I had that chance.

  15. Beth Sumerix
    Beth Sumerix says:

    Thank you for joining the Autism Santa movement! We know personally that giving and receiving toys through Autism Santa is a very special thing!

  16. Kaydell
    Kaydell says:

    I remember Michael when he first started his journey, he and his son. He was bound and determined to impact the lives of kiddos living with ASD. I still temember the photo he took at the post office with the boxes of trains and other small toys he was getting ready to send out. But, he wasn’t happy with just that…he knew how much an iPad could greatly improve a child’s life living with ASD, so he started fundraising himself and was able on his own to get a few iPads to families. He still wanted to do more, so connected with Kulturecity to be able to help even more families. There are very few people that would do what Michael has done for others. He seems to get so much joy in helping others, and seems to always be on a quest to be able to help more…even at his own expense. He has become a hero to many and has inspired me to do more in my own community. I truly hope he knows the impact he is having in the lives he is touching. He is a beautiful man.

  17. Maya Marie
    Maya Marie says:

    I enjoyed reading this blog post. The work that Michael Autism Santa Miller does for children on the spectrum is commendable to say the least. Having a child on the spectrum it touches my deeply to know that there is an individual out there that cares about our children and bringing a little happiness into their lives. Kudos and God bless you Autism Santa!

  18. Sasha
    Sasha says:

    I would love to read a copy of this amazing book .Michael n his son started something awesome and they have put so many smiles on children’s faces all across the USA they have did something no other organization has done mailing a toy the child wants and it brings a smile upon thier face what other organization does that

  19. Susan Waldron
    Susan Waldron says:

    MichaelAUtismSanta is a wonderful person who puts so much time and effort into helping the autism community. I feel blessed to know him as i have two children on the autism spectrum. There is q special place in Heaven for him!

  20. Dana Gant
    Dana Gant says:

    Michael is an amazing man. He has a wonderful heart and is passionate about the about The Autism Community. His gesture of sending presents to children around the world is rare. To the children who may or may not have a birthday party, recieve a gift from a man who truly cares. He may not realize the impact he has given to this child but the family knows. It fills their hearts. We need more Michael’s in this world who care deeply. Thank you Michael for being a kind man.

  21. Elaine Sumner
    Elaine Sumner says:

    What a beautiful description of Michael AUtismSanta Miller! He certainly has changed mine and Dillon’s life in the past 2 years.
    The things he has done in such a short time is phenomenal!! and I am thankful to be a part of this journey!

  22. Melissa reeves
    Melissa reeves says:

    I’m so very great full for our Santa and his many elves! He has brought many smiles to children, my daughter included! We have never been able to afford much for her and the contests he puts on brings hope in many ways to not of us. Everyday I make sure to vote on anything he has going for trying to get grants to help fund this amazing cause. I wish I could do more for him.

  23. Tonya Gladu
    Tonya Gladu says:

    Michael and Jonathan are true inspirations. They both give freely with their hearts. They are true heroes

  24. Nicole Ponzar-Dixon
    Nicole Ponzar-Dixon says:

    This is amazing and warms my heart. Michael AutismSanta has reached out and helped my lil wizard as well as so many others. Its AUsome to hear how his dedication and inspiration has inspired you to write about it. Can’t wait to read the book. Congratulations and continued success.

  25. Penny
    Penny says:

    Hello i would like to thank you and Michael autism santa for all he has done for my grandkids and so many others, the work he does and time he puts in is so rewarding to others, He is a selfless person and my daughter and family appreciate him and his work! Kudos to Michael Autism Santa!! Hugs

  26. Dana Hopkins
    Dana Hopkins says:

    Wisteria Jane looks like a super cute story. Thanks for highlighting the work that Michael AKA “Autism Santa” is doing in the autism community. He has really worked hard to bring acceptance to the kids and help them feel remembered and important.

  27. Trudy Wilcox
    Trudy Wilcox says:

    Autism Santa has helped my Granddaughter get a voice. I have children and grandchildren on the spectrum. When I was a young mom I had to travel the Autism Path by myself no help around. Young people now have resources to fall back on . They have Autism Santa to pave the way. I teach young children some that I am sure are on the spectrum Children’s books about Autism are great.

  28. Melissa McClellan
    Melissa McClellan says:

    Your book looks awesome, I know my daughter will love it. She has Autism but has a love for books. Gonna check it out for her.
    Michael at Toysaucross America is awesome. He gives to so many of our children. He has a very kind ❤.

  29. Dona Cassingham
    Dona Cassingham says:

    Michael Autism Miller has touched lives through his work with Toys Aucross America to his iPods and iPads . Each item brings hope happiness and joy to a family and child and in some
    Cases a voice to
    Someone who otherwise has never had it. He is truly an angel on this earth. Reaching many
    With his and his sons heart. There aren’t enough words to express our gratitude to him.

  30. Christine
    Christine says:

    Autism Santa is an amazing person. What he does for our little wizards is beyond wonderful. He truly is our year round Santa.

  31. Kristi
    Kristi says:

    Michael is such an aUsome guy with a heart of gold! True inspiration. He has made such a difference in the autism community and given so many smiles to autism kiddos!!!

  32. christyane syrek
    christyane syrek says:

    Michael Autism Santa Miller
    He is one of the Angels god sends from heaven.He new the autism kids needed to have a voice so he sent Michael to help.This man does so much to help the autism community.Anyone should be proud to stand with him.I know I am.And who doesn’t love Autism Santa ? My son Nathan does.

  33. Kristi McDowell
    Kristi McDowell says:

    Michael and his family are a true blessing! They do so
    Much for children on the spectrum, such caring, giving, wonderful people! Making the world a better place!!

  34. Natalie k
    Natalie k says:

    Michael is amazing! All he does for our children..from just a smile to some …and a life changing voice to others! I’m s everything!

  35. Becca
    Becca says:

    I met Michael aka autism Santa in another autism group I was in. He was talking about toy giveaways & enriching children’s live . He was kicked out of that group & I happily followed. He & his son have such big hearts & he has given my daughter her first set of Lego’s ever. He & his mission are amazing!

  36. Lori Newcomer
    Lori Newcomer says:

    Michael a.k.a. Autism Santa is a incredible man. He has brought Joy, Happiness, and Smiles to so many children with Autism. He is also incredibly supportive to us parents. It was very nice of you to donate to of your books to him. It looks like a great book and I will definitely be looking for it in my local bookstore.

  37. Lori Slavinsky
    Lori Slavinsky says:

    The selflessness Michael shows is immeasurable and appreciated by many. What he does with Toys Across America is sheer amazing.

  38. Laura Sorvillo
    Laura Sorvillo says:

    Thank you so much for writing about Michael Autism Santa. He does so much for our community.He cares about us and our children.Yes,he sends out more toys than one can imagine a dad with a dream can but know he does so much more.Like you said he doesn’t take days off,he tirelessly advocated for acceptance and supports us in our daily lives by also sharing his experience with us.He wants every child to have a voice and works tirelessly to that end.I wish more people knew about him and would give his page a look and a like,see what’s going on and join us in this journey.

  39. Linda
    Linda says:

    Michael has made so many children happy people that know about raising a child with autism know our children dont have many friends and for a child to know that someone other than the people they see everyday care that there is someone out there that took the time to send them something must really care
    Thank you Michael
    From the bottom of my heart

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