
Wisteria Jane Hummell

Watch out world…Wisty has arrived. I can’t believe the Wisteria Jane Hummell books are here. This little lady has been living in my head for years, and now she is out in the world making her mark. Wisteria is an amalgamation of all things “kid” and all that is right with this world. She is innocence and truth unleashed.

This sweet child is learning about her surroundings in the best possible way. She is living life, and making mistakes as she goes. Wisty is not afraid to take chances, say what she thinks, and has the magical passion that can only be found in a five-year-old child.

Writing this series has given me the opportunity, and excuse, to really dig into my memories of life as a young girl. I remember my mother taking my siblings and me on walks to the park. On our way we would stop to watch the squirrels jump and dance around the trees. I’m sure the park was fun, but I don’t remember much about playing on the slides, and swinging from monkey bars. I remember those squirrels with their bushy tails flicking in the sun, and thinking how wonderful it would be to live life as a squirrel.

There were several years, about age 2 to 7, where I was convinced that through trial and error I could learn to fly. Unfortunately, my belief in human flight did not pan out. I ended up in the emergency room about half a dozen times with stitches, to different regions of my head, as a result of my need to be airborne. Thankfully, none of my crash landings were life threatening, but they were lessons in gravity and the reality that birds can fly, but little girls can’t. Yes, I had to learn the limits of my powers at a young age, just like Wisty.

Wisty believes all things are possible.

It has been quiet a process bringing this book to life, and I have enjoyed the entire journey. We are getting geared up for book number two right now. Let the countdown begin.