The Power of Friendship

I feel so blessed to be surrounded by amazing friends.  I am constantly reminded that we are all given trials to overcome in this life.  By sharing our experiences with each other we become stronger, as individuals, and closer as friends. I find that I sometimes get caught up in appearances and fail to see the value in being vulnerable and leaning on those people I trust the very most.  It’s silly to think that they expect me to be at my best every minute of every day, but I catch myself trying to look like that is my reality.  The truth is, I need my friends and I am thankful for the times when they need me.

One of my dearest friends is going through an incredibly tough trial in her life right now.  She has been brave and trusting enough to allow me to help her through this time of vulnerability.  We have spent a lot of time talking through the situation she is facing.  She has been able to open up about sensitive issues and we have worked together to find reasonable options for her and her children.  I thought I was being helpful to this friend.  Just yesterday I realized, that in all reality, I am being helped just as much, if not more, through this process.

I have learned the power of love from this friend.  I have seen that one woman can make mighty changes in this universe through her words and her deeds.  I have seen the unyielding love of a mother literally work miracles in the lives of her children.  This amazing woman has shown me that the ability to love unconditionally is truly a beautiful thing.

How many of us think that we must carry the burden of sorrow alone?  How often do we yearn for a kind word of encouragement when the weight of the world pushes down upon our shoulders?  I know that I have had more of those moments than I can count, but more often than not I trudge on without looking towards my greatest friends for the support I so desperately need.  I am so grateful to my sweet friend for showing me how to truly be a great friend.  It turns out, being a great friend requires being both strong and weak.  Great friends are not afraid to teach each other through their struggles.  They don’t allow fear of criticism or judgment to keep them from seeking out the comfort of those they love.  True friends let you see the good and the bad, knowing that you will be by their side through both.

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